white house press secretary asked if he has an opinion about this. his response was, look, fema has enough funding in the immediate future, so he wouldn't weigh in on that debate looking forward. but we are already hearing from some republicans, tom coburn of oklahoma, or rather of -- tom coburn, rather, who said he does think those types of funds should be offset. so this is a debate and this is a discussion that has already started. that has already been set in motion, martin. so i would be surprised if we didn't see this, and, of course, that was the debate during the issue over whether or not there should be sandy funding approved. >> of course. nbc's kristen welker at the white house. thank you, kristen. >> reporter: thank you. now to the task for the red cross leading the recovery efforts in moore, oklahoma, and this critical work comes on an anniversary for this invaluable group. let's turn now to dan hall bu halliburton, spokesperson for