wound up being offender johnson's mother who was almost here. >> she'll be here, she'll be here. you know what i mean? i'm not going to rush through it. as long as she get down here to get me, i'll be fine with that situation. >> let's try her again. she must have turned it off. it went straight to voicemail. >> as long as she get down here though. >> she'll be here. >> the captain isn't the only one sweating. staff throughout the facility are nervous about what comes next for charles. >> charles obviously is frustrated. he was worried about this before. i think he's had some issues with mother coming through and not always being there. so he's upset. he's worried. it's obviously frustrating. we built this kid up, do this so you can get home. follow the rules. work this program. make some changes so you go home. and they've done the work, they've followed the rules, they've worked the program. they've done everything they had to do. then mother doesn't come through. and it's no fault of their own.