overreach. mccain has been very clear about that. he has been saying something parallel to what krauthammer says, essentially don't make the mistakes of past years, 1998 in particular, don't, don't go looking for something that isn't there. and then get rid of what actually is. nobody knows how this is going to play out yet, right? we don't know. what they are going to do. what you are going to see, i suspect from the committees, from the republican senatorial campaign committee, from the congressional campaign committee. >> from the mitch mcconnell campaign. >> and from the individual ones, right. and leadership will be, some version of what michele bachmann said, which is the irs scandal, the a.p. scandal, these are all part of, you yoke that to obama care, because this is big government coming at you. the problem is that you have dueling narratives. there's obama as thug and thuggocracy, versus someone not keeping an eye on the tentacles of the administration. >> overgrowing government.