and saudi arabia, uzbekistan, syria, greece, about a dozen attacks in total abroad during the bush years. this sort of thing happens a lot. then, of course, it was not the embassy, it was a diplomatic facility, a sort of diplomatic out post in benghazi, in libya that was attacked last september in which our ambassador and three other americans were killed. mcclatchey today published an account the general in charge of the african compound twice specifically for benghazi offered extra military security resources to ambassador stevens . he offered security to protect that outpost in benghazi that got attacked and the offer came a month before the attack there. twice the ambassador himself, the one who was killed in september turned down the offers of extra security from the u.s. military. that's according to the report from mcclatchy. we do not know why he may have

Related Keywords

Thing ,Lot ,Sort ,Attacks ,Syria ,Embassy ,Course ,Georgew Bush Administration ,Greece ,Uzbekistan ,Saudi Arabia ,On Benghazi ,Facility ,General ,Account ,Charge ,United States ,Ambassador ,Compound ,Post ,Libya ,Mcclatchey ,Three ,Security ,Outpost ,Extra Military Security Resources ,Ambassador Stevens ,Attack ,The One ,Offers ,Report ,Offer ,Us Military ,One ,

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