data about the incidents of assault in the military. actually, the majority of incidents themselves, men are the victims of. of course, you know, that's skewed by the fact there are many, many, many more men in the military than there are women, but it was fascinating to me, because it said there's this, i think, the thing that senator said was about the military understanding this people having one too many drinks or a date going wrong, as opposed to this being something about power fundamentally. >> hearing the top brass of the air force blaming hook-up culture for that being the problem. you know what, no. what this means, the prevalence of sexual assault in the military, what that means is people think they can get away with it. there is not a deterrent factor at work that military, criminal justice, law enforcement in the military is happening in such a way that if they do this, they are going to get in trouble, they better not do it. same with reporting. there's such a big gap in in the incidents of assault