thank god you're not on the ground, thought maybe i might have been. >> he heard the radio traffic there was an officer down, was worried it could be his brother, tim. >> first reports was that a watertown police officer was down, didn't know if i was off duty. we saw each other, just that moment of recognition in the eyes, and officer done hue in the air, tossed in the ambulance with my brother and jimmy, and then a paramedic got in the back, they started to work on him. a transit officer, who is going to help drive to the hospital. >> the team that drove this ambulance there is now in the back trying to save the life, so the regular driver is back there trying to save officer donahue's life. >> they worked to save him, i hopped in the driver's seat, tear off out of there, try to get to the hospital as fast as possible. >> you had never driven one of these before?