specific knowledge of terror attack was removed, references to other warnings that had been given, references to i believe five prior attacks on foreign installations in libya, all of that had been spelled out in the original version and much of that was not in the final version. let me just add this. at the end of this whole two-day chain, general petraeus. >> what do we know about that? >> he was then cia director, he was not participating in the back and forth but a top aide to petraeus sent him a note saying we worked through d.c. this morning. these are now for final approval, jake forced strong concerns with the original text. jake, referring to jake sullivan of the state department. >> right. >> petraeus then responds and says these will not respond to what rupersberger asked for and i'd just as soon not use them. the cia director saying i would just as soon not use them. they won't let us add the cairo