report came out and they decided we'll have a hearing about the report because they didn't talk to the right people or, quote, silenced people or the report is part of the coverup, these generals with the sterling reputation were in on it with the white house, according to fox news. that was act three, act five, act ten, take your pick. fox is committed to the story line. if you watch tonight, the hearings were a blockbuster, it's all unraveling because this is the phoney story they tell their viewers, just like they told them romney was going to win in a landslide, it's the same thing. >> i can't help but notice, just to track through, and i don't want to drain you, dear viewers, emotional energy of benghazi, because the weeds are unedifying, but, you know, i can't help but notice even today at the hearing going back to these attacks that we saw back in september, i mean, susan rice shouldn't have said the things she said on the sunday morning talk shows, which maybe what she said wasn't the full picture.