were arm and locked and loaded two weeks ago? >> i assume there were probably some. there is a percentage, sure. but i think most people who i know were perfectly happy to let the police go about their business and get the job done. that's what the police are for. that's what the fbi is for. there was no rush to gun shops. >> mark halpern, when you look at that crowd, clearly, you know, there's different points of view and the folks who showed up at the nra convention are probably really good people. family people. people who love this country. i think that's fair to say. are we missing something completely here or how would you characterize the debate after looking at 70,000 people showing up to listen to wayne lapierre saying he hoped that people in boston had arms so they could protect themselves is in the only way to fight people with guns is to have guns yourself. >> this is not a group that