the president never acknowledged that. >> there are doctors and clinics that do it, too. the second thing is gosnell is not something that should outrage liberals, it's something that should outrage anyone. general abortion services are not performed -- he was performing these in late, late term. i don't think any rational or thinking human being or feeling human being thinks that's okay whether it's in the womb or out. this was also a case of impoverished women who were going to a place for supposed health care that shouldn't have even been open. it wasn't being inspected where the laws in that state were not being followed. where were the inspections to make sure these services were even being provided in a sanitary facility? even being provided in a sanitary facility? just becsorry. sore knee.had blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly! [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on.