of nondiscretionary, half comes out of nondefense nondiscretionary, half come out of defense. okay, that hasn't proven to be the case. i mean, are you surprised by how little leverage the defense cuts have seemed to give democrats to get out of the sequester? >> chris, i think the clock is continued to tick on this issue. it was never going to be the case the day after the sequester took effect, the sky was going to fall. you're going to have this grinding effect. so, for example, we're hearing right now that mechanics that work on, you know, our combat aircraft at military bases around the country may be furloughed as a result of this. people are going to start hearing more and more about that. so, do i wish that people came to their senses sooner? absolutely. but i still think the pressure will build. and the nonpartisan congressional budget office has said the other issue is the silent job killer. 750,000 fewer american jobs at the end of this year if we keep the sequester in place. >> congressman, thank you so much.