communication we know was ecchangesed between catherine russell and tamerlan tsarnaev. >> reporter: what we were told is she was the working mom -- remember they had a 3-year-old daughter. the initial accounts is she was working as a home health care aide around the clock. tamerlan tsarnaev was the stay-at-home dad caring for their 3-year-old daughter. that did seem like a bit of a stretch to match that image with his activities planning the boston marathon bombing. so i think there's a lot of questions about the accuracy of that account and what exactly tamerlan tsarnaev was doing both before the bombing and after the bombing. we've had very little information on that, very little information about how much he saw his daughter, how much he communicated with his wife. there's some reason to believe they were separated at the time. so i think we're going to just have to wait and see on that