friend in the capital, i received phone calls and messages from people about a weird bombing, something was thrown from the air into their heads and targeting someone. it ended up being american striker drones that terrified thousands of poor farmers, and more importantly, i think in one shot it raised the whole great public, i have done all i can achieve in the united states in my village. it has been great. i was devastated, as i was already sad, about the boston news, i was, again, sad about the village thing, especially that this is not just terrified poor people. but it also -- it kills any chance of public relationship of why the village should know about america and america should know about the village. it's killed every chance. probably there will be chance to fix this out, but it killed every story i have told about great america in the last few years. whatever i could not have achieved in many years was achieved in one shot when someone pressed the button