made it clear, quoting president obama, that the fight has only begun. what we saw in the past few months in this debate about gun safety legislation that failed in congress will pick up again in the run-up to the 2014 elections and perhaps even beyond. >> frank, gabby giffords' group announced they're going to be running radio ads thanking john mccain for his vote and running ads against senator ayotte and mitch mcconnell. you did an assessment of the last, oh, it looks like 20 years of spending, and it looks like the nra outspends gun safety people by about 10 to 1 on campaigning. >> 10 to 1, if not a great deal more. there are exponential differences in terms of the nra spending tens of millions over the year, $14 million over the past 15 years where gun reform organizations, gun safety organizations have spent in the neighborhood of $50,000. >> and i think that the gun