been asking them to do for a long time is start a two step authentication. instead of just having a password you have a password and something else, usually a code sent to some sort of device so instead of just, if someone gets your password or gets you to enter it in a phishing scam you're not totally hosed because they still have to have the device where you get the code sent before they can log in somewhere new. what i was able to learn today is twitter which has been, you know, they posted a job opening about this a few months ago, has that in place and they are hoping to roll it out soon. >> might be a good occasion on which to get some attention for it. mat honan senior writer with "wired" magazine thanks for helping us. appreciate your time. recent twens -- now i'll talk like that for the west of the night. ready? recent trends have me wondering if serving as a u.s. senator has become a drag. a brand new data point to support the thesis, coming up