entire area. the danger that i have and again this also goes back to the challenge of short-term accomplishment versus long-term challenge that comes in and the argument of winning hearts and minds. the argument of yens, all the arguments that come into this thing. the biggest challenge we have is dovetailing on this earlier point. how exactly do we justify this? and how do we curtail its use? look what happened after the use of the first atomicç bomb wher then the big question became how do you control who can then have an atomic bomb and who can use it? and so we since we haven't had this full conversation, since we haven't gone through this process, i think that becomes one of the most complicated challenges of this entire drone argument of what exactly that means for long-term. >> and can we talk about this, the technology may have -- is far ahead of sort of the moral debate over whether we should be using this kind of technology. and i do want to address gitmo in so far as it's still open and