historically, has been the predicate for taxation, regulation, and ultimately for confiscati confiscation. that's what this fight is all about. they want a registry because they want to limit the liberties of law-abiding citizens. >> i don't know where to start in terms of taking that apart. deconstruct it. there's no talk of a registry. what in history in this country has ever been confiscated? i've never had my car confiscated. it's been registered. people have their fishi ining licenses. their fishing poles aren't confisca confiscated. >> chris, look, they can't really argue against background checks. it's really hard to say. you know, you and i grew up, remember we heard the nra say guns don't kill people, people kill people? the logical result of that is, let's do background checks and keep the guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. this registry thing is the best argument they have. frankly, i'm disappointed in senator cruz. he's a really senator guy. there's nothing about registries. in fact, toomey and manchin have