>> who says? >> the basic premise -- because he's the president. he has to sign it into law. >> not the budget resolution. the president never gets to sign the budget resolution. >> well, the president -- the president will not agree to a broad budget deal that does not include balance, chris. and you know that democrats in the senate won't support an ala carte approach to this. republicans from mitch mcconnell on down said at the end of last year, they put on the table, in public, that they wanted certain things in return for revenue as part of a balanced deficit reduction deal. >> yeah. >> that included so called chained cpi, means testing medicare. the president has agreed to those in this comprehensive budget proposal. but it's not an ala carte. just as you said, you can't say i'll take what i want and we won't talk about a broader deal. that's not acceptable to the president. he will not accept an approach that asks only seniors and the middle class to bear the burden of deficit reduction. that will not happen. the american people made clear last year in the election they reject that approach. >> okay, jay, great to have you on. thanks for coming on and explaining that. jay carney, white house press

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