in the debate over gun laws in this country, the professional gun lobby is no longer the only side. certainly, not the only side that has the energy and resolve to push hard and relentlessly for what it wants. there is another big, strong side in this fight now, and they are organized and they want results, and they are pushing for those results, and, i think it matters they have an outspoken ally in this white house. they have been told all along that even getting a vote on these issues would be impossible. well, the vote's tomorrow. they said it couldn't be done. joining us now is u.s. senator chris murphy of connecticut. thank you so much for your time tonight. i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> so, the big news yesterday was the republicans' filibuster threat seems to be defeated. there will be a vote. big news today was about the bill on expanding background checks. what do you think is the most important thing to know about that deal? >> well, i think it's important to note that republicans and democrats, like they did in connecticut, are coming