that? we've already said we're not going to do assault weapons p we're not going to do magazines. we're not going to do background checks. why would anyone oppose the secondhand buying, when you buy a gun for a crook totally dishonestly and illegally, and that should be illegal in itself, why would anyone oppose the enforcement of that kind of a law. >> people are astounded when they hear that. they think it should be illegal already. we need to pass this bill. of course the good ole nra and others are trying to stop it. we have over 20 different law enforcement agencies that have endorsed my bill that are calling for its passage. at the very least we should pass that. but i can tell you, chris, as long as americans are dying, i'm going to keep on trying to pass these bills. >> good for you. >> i think let's put them out on the floor and have a vote. the american people as dana said, support a vote. they want a vote. they want gun safety. the president is in colorado trying to build support. we should give him at least a vote on these measures in the house of representatives and in the senate. >> i'm with you. let's take a look at the other point of view on this. the hard right point of view. it's voiced very well by nevada republican senate candidate sharon engel where she talked about the right of people. not just the right but they ought to use it, the right which she called second amendment