talking about the issues and he won elections that people say he couldn't win and that's exactly the kind of commitment and the kind of organizing we have to do around these legislative issues. they are going to spend all of the money in the world and we're going to encounter it with fax and people and i like our chances. >> well, i think you laid out a real strategy and it's interesting when you were talking about he won elections people didn't think he could win, i was looking at a quote from you where you talked about doing health care five different times during the health care we went in and told the president it was dead and five different times he put it together and passed a bill that has made millions of americans live better and that's why he's the leader who i believe in. and i think that's an interesting statement, jim. it gives a lot of hope on the policies we're dealing with now if that's the way the president is going to succeed. thanks for being on the show