apparatus before plouffe and axelrod. if you recall that balding white man from louisiana. apparati come and go, plural and latin. if hillary clinton run, will people be falling all over themselves to raise money for her, work on her campaign? yes, by the thousands, it will happen if she runs. i want to bring up a couple of words, biogate, vince foster, benghazi. do you think for a second the republicans, the tea partiers, if you think that the obama sort of black helicopter stuff is crazy now. wait until you bring back in a clinton. it's, it doesn't matter. because in the minds of anybody 50 and under, they remember those eight years. i remember them distinctly. ky never get them out of my head. i want her to run. i would vote for her in a skinny-second. but the republican conspiracy theories will go through the roof like you have never seen. >> it's democratic derangement syndrome. >> i think most american people