marriage is in place when we need it, when we are at our most vulnerable, looking out for one another's welfare, one another's health care. those are things people don't think about when they think about the institution of marriage and why the institution of marriage is so important. we seek to build families and homes and build a safety net around one another like everybody else does. we ought to be able to enjoy the same rights and responsibilities of everyone else. >> that's the constitutional argument. it seems to me it's about liberty. liberty clause in the 14th amendment. >> i've heard you say that before and i've always agreed with you. in the lawrence case, talked about liberty, autonomy, dignity. these are people who want to be free and be like everybody else and these laws restrict that and it puts a stamp of a badge of inferiority on those couples and on their children. it's causing harm. the evidence we had at the trial, undisputed. children will be better off. their own expert, our opponent said children will be better off. he even said we'd be more american as a nation the day we recognize these unions as marriage. >> can you cite the declaration?