really do keep their minds on and their money on gun safety? >> well, i think we've started to do it. at this point we have more than 00 mayors around the country, 100 are republicans. we have almost 1.5 million grassroot supporters and all of them are about as heated up as we have seen about anything. they recognize this is a national moment. if you're going to turn this issue around, now is the time. we've sent more than 200,000 e-mails into the white house and members of congress and shut down switch board and won a major victory in colorado that was pretty hard fought. i think the predicate is there. success is patchwork but it is going to come. >> how do you get people to remind themselves? i know this is a tough one. the gun owner cleans his gun, he packs his shells, he goes hunting, he goes skeet shooting, he has friends who are hunters. he's constantly reinvesting in their gun. they're not gun nuts but that point of view has a self