said so true, what all catholics have shared is the caring and attention to the poor. that's what we need. we need something that brings us all together, that we're all human together. and i'm very excited about him. i love that he chose st. francis because one of my favorite words from st. francis is preach the gospels. and use words only if necessary. and i like the idea that it's -- as a jesuit as well, you look to yourself, you have to improve yourself, then you go out so it's not this hire aerarchal ch and their gowns and princes of the church, but the humility and simplicity. >> robert francis, of course. >> chris, of course, is pointing out that my father was robert francis. chris, you know, makes the connections that nobody else even tries to go there. >> frank keating, we can also in a way without being disrespectful, is look at the pope as politician in a way.