present a series of solutions tomorrow morning on how the party can address each of them and grow. >> you said messaging there was one of the problems. but we heard from a number of folks, including senator marco rubio last week at cpac, and he says that messaging is not a major problem. >> well, i think what we can all agree upon and i think what senator rubio is talking about is that the principles of our party are strong, are sound. the way in which we communicate them sometimes isn't. i think as chairman frpriebus points out, we get caught up in the math war. that balanced budgets are good and deficits don't make sense. but we forget to connect those policies to why people should actually care about them, in terms of they lead to greater economic growth and more jobs and things like that. and i think sometimes we forget in our messaging to connect to, frankly, the heart, if you will. why people actually think you