unfortunately, for jeb bush, history is written by historians. let's talk to our panel. eric dyson with us and susan dell percent joe and jim moore, the director of progress texas pac. jim, you first. you've written a book about w. is there baggage? i mean, is jeb bush close to reality here? >> no. there's an old saw in marketing, ed, that the worst kind of brand to get out from under is one that the public gives you. and we know what the bush brand is now. it's bad thinking in terms of taxes. it's bad actions in terms of war and in terms of jeb himself, his first day in office, we know where he is on certain issues. his first day in office, he vetoed a very popular interstate high-speed rail project in florida. he has been over here in texas the last couple of weeks testifying about charter schools but not mentioning the fact the bush family has a self-interest and they are well