go forward with the taliban. that was one thing that didn't happen. this is wardak where shooting happened today. we'll get to that. several weeks ago karzai ordered all special forces from the u.s. and coalition withdraw from wardak province because of unconfirmed allegations of their involvement in abusive attack against civilians in wardak province. he put a two-week deadline on. the two-week deadline passed. the forces are still there. saturday morning, there were two terrible suicide bombings. one in kabul, itself, that hagel could actually hear from where he was a mile away. 18 people dead including 8 children. awful thing. all leading up to sunday morning, karzai gets on television, says what he says, and everybody says, what's he talking about? what's his goal here? i talked to one diplomat, a nato guy who ask we not use his name and knows karzai, spoken to him