who is down on the ground with another prostitute holding her hair, beating her in the face. the pimp's beating her too. and cars aren't even stopping. they're just kind of slowing down. i'm trying to pull the prostitute off, but i'm trying not to aggravate the situation into a bigger brawl. i can't throw any punches. i don't want to do anything now that's going to focus all their energy on me. >> bates breaks up the fight. watch, as he tears the attacker off of this woman. >> let's to go. let's to go. the girl had broken bones to her face. it would have really been bad if somebody hadn't intervened. it just so happened it was me. >> the hooker got hurt. but brian was fine. and no regrets about getting involved. the experience reminds him how violent prostitution can be. and he doesn't think most folks realize that. >> i get people all the time say, brian, why prostitution? why don't you go after the murderers? the drug dealers? the child rapists? why don't you go after those people? well, i'm here to tell you, those people are our prostitutes and our pimps and our johns on south robinson.