client calling me for every sick fish or algae that was not cleaned in the tank. >> but finding quall the ti workers who jus ttin can trust keep up the integrity of the brand is not easy. >> i have gone through ten years of learning how to interview people, and learning to find what works and what doesn't work for a service individual. >> and even if justin is not doing the servicing himself, he still needs to make sure that the work done is at the level his clients have come to expect from city aquarium. >> it has always p been a struggle for me to let somebody else clean my clients' fish tanks, just because i can always do it better. so i always request e-mails and photos of before and after each cleaning so i am still very much hands on even though i am not there servicing the aquariums myself. >> and justin hired a general manager to help him stay on top of everything on the office side of the business. >> i handle the financial side of the business and including the invoices and the regular maintenance and managing the