people, so you -- that may be your impression of what happened, but i talked to other people. well, then you should represent that in your piece. >> but, rick, this is also, again -- if you were a journalist and trying to talk about the -- woodward has said i think it's important to pinpoint where this idea came from because the country is going to feel a lot of economic pain, and we have to understand whose idea it was in the first place. the sequester was a stop gap measure that nobody liked that republicans voted for. >> part of the reason we're not coming to the table is because we don't really see -- cuts are cuts are cuts. i will pair phrase conservative blogger who is on ben dom mick who is on with ezra cline on the last word on monday, and he says the problem with that -- you have an assumption of confidence on the part of conservatives. of the conservative base republicans as a whole. when it comes time to negotiate with the white house that