important word here. you said something to the effect of an unnecessary manufactured crisis. remember, this is not the way governance is supposed to look, especially at a time when the economy is already too weak. so instead of thinking about how can we help things get better, they keep setting fiscal time on one after another. and by the way, this is not the beginning of awe strarausterity. we already lost over $100 billion in people's paychecks through the expiration of the payroll tax break this $85 billion in fiscal contraction is on part of that. >> dr. peterson though, it is clear that the american people don't support these cuts in the areas they're talking about. when you look at the polls, 89% don't want to cut education. 84% don't want to cut disaster relief. 83% don't want to cut food or drug safety. 71% don't want to cut aid to the

Related Keywords

Way ,Something ,Things ,Economy ,Isn Ta Crisis ,Thinking ,Effect ,Governance ,Word ,People ,Beginning ,Another ,Payroll Tax Break ,Paychecks ,Expiration ,Awe Strarausterity ,85 Billion ,100 Billion ,One ,00 Billion ,5 Billion ,Cuts ,Don T ,Part ,Areas ,Polls ,Dr ,Fiscal Contraction ,89 ,Aid ,Food ,Disaster ,Drug ,83 ,84 ,71 ,

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