you've been around the country. it's devastating the families. but i want people to know we're going to win this fight. and just like you said at the front end of this show, with the governor of florida now joining the governor of michigan and ohio on health care reform, republicans in the congress are going to have to come around on these other issues. we live in a republic in which the elected officials have to listen to people. and the public is what the president on all of these key issues. and we're going to win this fight. now, they're playing a delaying game, but the truth of the matter is that once we move forward with votes out of the senate just like we want on the fiscal cliff vote we will win on this. that is to say that the president, if he can garner a bipartisan vote in the senate, it will put the house republicans in a box. and that's -- >> i hear very few democrats talking like you. they're not really sure how this is going to go. it's refreshing to hear you say that we're going to win this thing, win it for the people. here's president obama talking about the inability of congress