nra -- i mean, they -- i think internally they think we're going to do better. people are scared that the president is going to come in with his swat teams and take guns away and may raise a lot of funds from it, and, unfortunately, money does confer some amount of power in terms of the national dialogue. >> i think in terms of the national dialogue, it had become so sclerotic. there was no opposition against the nra. organizing for action reminds me of the way the obama campaign, via vi the republican party, that dynamic where they cut out the middle man and emphasize direct engagement. they're still really entrenched powers. when you mention this state legislation situation, you suddenly find out what kind of world the nra and its supporters are envisioning, and that is this hobsian world where more guns for school teachers. my least favorite manifestation of this is more guns for rape victims because republicans and the nra need to show their concern for women. >> they've done so good on the rape issue thus far. why not bring it back up?