breathtaking if he said that. >> okay. so let's see if we're all on the same page here and have this correct. a right-wing website publishes a resumer from a blog based on something hagel may or may not have said in a speech over, count them, five years ago. and now sitting united states senators are demanding hagel explain himself. hagel provided ayotte and graham with a copy of the speech and notes he does not recall making any such statement. now, folks, this is a pattern for the new gop that maybe mr. viguerie is looking for. senator rand paul pushing a theory about moving guns from libya to syria. paul's theory can be traced back to glenn beck. michele bachmann accused hillary clinton's chief of staff of having ties to the muslim brotherhood. her source? an uncorroborated report from a right wing talker frank gaffney. congressman darrell issa got in the act. he orchestrated an entire circus