that's not a -- there is no middle ground where republicans and democrats can get together. >> and to that point, chris, the president said i'm not going to spend a dime that teased defendant sit you what, he is talking about does not make the deficit go down either. >> i think we are all agreeing here, the president's priority now growth, not debt reduction. disagrees with the republican. >> i don't think it is job creation economic. >> i think he has another priority i i don't think it's growth. i think this president's priorities social justice. i think he sees himself as an inheritor of lincoln and martin luther king and he is going to -- this president wants to plant the american economy, those people at the top. >> you're calling you the -- >> no social justice. and i say -- and by the way, a noble cause. >> this weekend, three big businesses. >> there is a -- >> here is political question. does the president -- bain they are week said i'm not nsht neshlting with him anymore. not going after any grand