least on background checks? something he can put on the wall and say we got this done? >> well, i think that he's winning the battle for the heart and soul of the public here. i mean, if you look at the polls, even nra members by a wide, wide margin support universal background checks. nobody is going to sit still for federal agents coming and taking people's guns away, but nobody is planning to do that. but everybody supports sensible regulations like universal background checks. now, is that going to happen in today's congress? i don't know. because the nra is really a shill for the gun industry, and that's a $12 billion industry. so you got guys like lindsey graham who is always going to be willing or other senators and congressmen who are always going to be willing to, you know, dance and like pathetic marionettes to the tune that the nra calls. so this is going to be a tough fight, and it's not going to happen quickly. >> but there's nothing wrong