sure exactly when it would end and when the fat lady would sing. >> and panetta lectured congress, saying the relationship between the administration and congress is now one of his biggest disappointments. >> we need to find solutions. we can't just sit here and [ bleep ]. we can't just sit here and complain. we can't just sit here and blame others. we have got to solve real problems facing this country. this country is facing some real threats in the world. >> that's right. we had to [ bleep ] secretary panetta. we joked about this as an issue during our interview with secretary panetta. we didn't have to bleep him then, but we did have to bleep him yesterday. anyway, just ask yourself, though, confirmation hearings, they may not be decisive, but they do matter. ask yourself while john brennan and jack lew are frankly having an easier confirmation process. no -- wasn't exactly going through scot-free, but they had good hearings. they aced the hearing part of