could the legal challenges change the game forever and necessarily a bad thing? bloomberg businessweek's latest cover story is "crunch time." it's on news stands right now and paul bar vet the author and assisting managing editor. welcome. >> thanks. >> you write in here that the very future of football is at stake here and i'll quote you. you say if science one day determines that merely playing serious tackle football increases the danger of brain disease it's conceivable that the nfl could go the way of professional boxing. that sounds pretty dire. >> yeah. well, that's the fear. the science isn't quite there yet. but we do know that this repetitive jostling of the brain where the gray matter bangs in to the skull is seems to be causing long-term problems with a lot of nfl players. ex-nfl players. >> i'm not sure that it was brain injuries that damaged boxing as much as pay per view killed boxing but let's keep