then the lights went out." from a "wall street journal" columnist, "super bowl xlvii is brought to you by solyndra." and from laura ingraham, "how long before we hear from the white house about the need for another multibillion stimulus to rebuild the power grid?" and donald trump, "the country is being run just like the stadium." meanwhile, former bush administration fema director michael brown -- you know brownie, who spent days ignoring what was going on in the superdome during hurricane katrina -- used the blackout to comment not on infrastructure, but on the residents of new orleans. "someone just told me there was fighting going on in new orleans superdome. #shocked." let's bring in our panel tonight. jonathan alter with us, bloomberg view, msnbc political analyst karen finney, and also "washington post's" e.j. dionne. well, sometimes the right just doesn't take a rest on anything.