important, right? the actual opinions of african-americans on gay marriage are moving in the same way everyone's opinions are. the final thing i would say here can b coalitions, which is a point i hit a lot, which is that people are smart enough to not join coalitions that are going to be in coalition with other people that don't want them, right? and the version of this on the democratic site side are going to do this. what democrats did on policy was they completely restreeted, no gun control, the only gun control the president signed was to carrie guns in national parks, right? now, gun enthusiasts can chose between two major coalitions. even if one isn't coming at you, you understand that one coalition has people that like you and one has coalition of people that don't like you. and you can change on policy, but at the coalitional level, which coalition are you going to choose at the margin and that's the deeper problem. >> kyron skinner, michelle