that's going to weigh on growth. my sense is by the end of the year we'll get job growth over 200k and by 2013 when the housing markets is in full swing, it will be 300k, we should be in 300k territory in 2014 and that's when the unemployment will start coming back in a big way. >> we'll save this tape and play it for you in 2014. >> please do. >> yeah. no, it's good to see you. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. up next, the obama administration's take on the new unemployment report, that will be right here. and why the white house is shutting down the president's council on jobs. plus, blood talk, did chuck hagel manage to win over roy blunt? we'll ask him about that next. and a bomb explodes near the u.s. embassy in turkey. we're going to have the very latest on that developing story. but first, a look ahead at the president's schedule today here in washington.

Related Keywords

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