saw, two great heroes, two titans of american senatorial politics really, john mccain and chuck hagel, who ripped apart over a very principal difference about deploying men and women in iraq. and that is i think really the crux of it. i don't think hagel wanted to tell john mccain that oh, your policy may have appeared cosmetically to succeed in a really failed war that didn't move the dial and if you take a look at it, you know, hagel snuck in some very important data points. 1,200 americans died during that time, thousands of others wounded. and by the way, if you take a look at the scene, much of the sunni leadership in iraq had been run out of the country. by maliki. and the experiment looks fragile. so what did you get? and many people think it wasn't the deployment of the u.s. forces, it was the essentially hiring or bribing, if you will, of young sunnis that helped stabilize that. so there's a legitimate conversation that could be had. and john mccain didn't want a conversation. he wanted to enforce an