way they allocate electoral votes. the good news is powerful republicans in florida and virginia say that they won't change the electoral vote system. governor of virginia bob mcdonnell says he is against the change as well. but his buddy scott walker was on the fence. >> well, it's an interesting idea. i haven't committed one way or the other to it. i think we have to be very careful in changes like that. but it's worth looking at. i haven't made a commitment one way or another. >> all this needs is a little publicity, because tonight walker has backed off the statements. he tells "the journal sentinel" that he has a real concern about changing the way wisconsin awards electoral votes. but a pair of lobbyists could be sending money to wisconsin anyway. they won't admit the changes would disenfranchise black and latino voters. one lobbyist claims it has nothing to do with race. it's not a race issue. it's about a machine. another lobbyist blamed black organizers for the long lines in ohio. >> the reality is that we've had