hagel and kerry would seem to be at great emissaries of that reboot. >> i think you also look at the worlds as it is today. what can they really do? when obama came in, he was able to say i'm not bush and to go arnold the world with that message and that did make a difference beyond just winning him a nobel peace prize. >> most of his first term was management. he was managing the arab spring and managing terrorists and managing a drawdown in afghanistan. it wasn't really the big vision. we don't have a comprehensive test ban treaty, and not resolution with iran. there's no big picture thing. when i spoke with the president in december about this and asked him sort of a broad question about foreign policy, his answer was asia. i think there's a lot of opportunity in asia, and i think that's actually where he will turn just because -- >> he has 79d to make that pivot for quite a while now. >> it's also one where he has more control over it. he doesn't want to get us involved in another war in north africa. it's not like he can go into mali and solve that situation there. he does feel like america has