hockey team. they're taking on colorado college this weekend and had sold out their arena of 12,000 seats for the game last night. 3,000 of those people, though, could not make it to the game because of the travel conditions. we are seeing them get better as you can see. winds still very strong in downtown grand forks seeing that snow still blowing, still creating some visibility problems. but people do feel like it's better now. and at least good enough they'll be able to not only do their errands today but hopefully make it to that big game tonight, alex. >> thanks so much. in a moment the oval office picture that's raising questions about president obama's closest advisers. i'll speak with a powerful advocate of women's rights. congresswoman karen bass is next. also coming up an insider's account of what happened during yesterday's white house meeting with video game industry leaders. that's not exactly the picture we're looking at. but that's a mess whatever it is there. you're watching "weekends with alex witt." we'll get it right after the break.

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