overwhelming force, which is a drop in the stock market. that may be what finally gives us the urgency. remember back to september of 2008 when the house failed to pass the t.a.r.p. deal. we had a 700 point drop. i'm not saying that's going to happen, but given all this build-up, it's really shifted from business, from ceos to consumers. that's what we're seeing right now. now it's in the mass populous. >> i want your audience to get a cup of coffee, particular starbucks, but i'm going to bore you for the next 20 seconds. there used to be what they called the bond aage land, basically, the bond market was bigger than the debt market, and when things would get out of whack, the bond market would come in and fix it. it would sell u.s. debt, force change that way. now the federal reserfrserve ow