a lot of times parents make the mistake of talking to their children as if they were their caregiver and their support system, like an emotional surrogate. be careful. a lot of times parents turn to their children and this is not the time. you should be providing support to your child and the best way to do it is for you to get support for yourself, counseling, with clergy, with family members, community members, there is a lot of mental health organizations that are providing outreach. and sometimes as a family, if you feel uncomfortable having this conversation with your child, one on one, why not take advantage of any of the mental health resources that are available to have that dialogue, maybe moderated with you and your child. >> it is very hard to shield your kids from the story this big. in fact, many of them are going to school and they're having drills, shutdown drills. they want to know why and their teachers are talking to them about it. there was a heart breaking story tweeted by usa today reporter, a handwritten letter to 6-year-old shooting victim jack pinto. he was one of the first to be buried. from his friend john.