do you believe climate change is a clear and present danger. what are you going to do about a global check recovery? what are you going to do about the hyper militaryization of our government? iran, the middle east? there are questions about afghanistan? are we going to exit as planned? there are a set of fundamental questions that have been lost in the republicans kind of show trial of susan rice that need to be asked because we're in a very complex period. >> instead it was she's really tough, right? >> would you never say that about a man. >> sarah palin said she is not very bright. >> it's funny because kerry looks a lot like the right kind of guy to be secretary of state in this sort of central casting. susan rice has something that he doesn't which great secretaries of state often have is being extremely close to the president. one is usually an international rock star like hillary clinton who brings any foreign leader wants to meet because she's healthing healthing. the other is someone who just obviously speaks for the president, like jim bakker did.