of support to this community. one more thing, as we were driving to the outskirts of downtown, there was someone putting up an enormous, enormous american flag and people in the cold and the rain laying out what looked to be some grass, some, you know's, tarp and it looks like another memorial is going pup just as you come off the highway here. so as i said you can the best and the worst of humanity in reaction to this. tonight, i think we will focus on the best as we see this community come together for the ecumenical service that will include a speech by the president. alex? >> yeah. chris, i just want to pick up with what you had mentioned about the evacuation. we have been monitoring that as well, the evacuation of that church, which has been given the all-clear. there was some sort of a threat that was phoned in. there were no details as to what was the content of that threat, but it was not against lieutenant vance who let this